Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

the Power of Laughter

I heard that the power of a giggle can light a stadium for a day and that when two people laugh a galaxy is born from nothing,
and that a smile can change the universe!

It is my guess that we're all doing pretty good !!!

the rush of time.

Thinking of Jamie takes me way back. It just clashes with what all that I see around me. Aren't we all still so young and invincible? I mean aren't we?
Be well my friends- today- maybe just this moment- is all we're sure of...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What freedom does demcracy ever offer that can't be taken away by a HONEST? ballot?

DONNOT get me started. I am soooooooo not feeling my "UP WITH PEOPLE" mantras today!!!
Tehran Maine DC Kyoto Accord White House GOP Clinton ROP Global Warming Puppy Cancer Swine not Swine FLU H1N1 H2O World Oil OPEC Deepak Vanilla Ice
OctoMom Coldplay Boy George Mel Gibson Bruno Barack Bush Bushes Conspiracy 911 9/11 9/12 Harry Truman Glenn Beck Exxon valdez Lone Ranger
Tonto not tonto John and Kate Saucer Boy NPH Thousand Points of Light Ebola Ecoli eFax eFacts eFile Darfur Iraq Afgans Poppy's Opium Meth Methhead Two-Weekers Unliscensed Births Soma De-evolution .