Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.

Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall !!! Ronald Reagan 1987.

Someone somewhere behind that wall was praying for freedom twenty years ago. Prayers were answered and the walls came down. Today I am reminded the walls we are still pressed against. Today we can choose to break down the walls of social, economic and political inequality. Tear down the paradigms of ignorance. November 9th is just ahead...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Prop 8 or prop H8 ?

Only 31% of California voted to ban same sex marriage !!!

The % of registered California voters 2008.

The % of registered voters who voted.

The % of voters who voted for Prop 8.

74.56% of eligible voters are registered

Only 79.42% of the registered voters (74.56%) were concerned enough to make it to the polls.

Only 52.30% of anyone who cared(59.22%) voted for Prop 8 !

Only 74.56% care about Prop 8 enough to even register!

Only 59.22% at this point cared enough to get the “I Voted” sticker!!

Only 31% of Californians even care about Prop 8 enough to vote for it!!!

So as far as I get it… I am going to propose that when you go to bed at night… that’s Prop8 time Absolutely NO MARRIAGE !!! (hit that like you’re only dating!!!)

When the alarm goes off in the morning BAMM!!! You wake up and you’re married again !!!

And since you are married over half the year I’m going to let you claim ‘married’ on your taxes, spouse medical coverage, and hell for good measure I’m gonna make one of you change your last name to match your spouse-
YES, The moral majority is right about one thing- kids need a family with one name !!!

Thanks- that’s my rant for the day if you didn’t like it- I hope it at least made you think- If you did like it, then pass it on and feel free to add your own thoughts !!!

When good kids go wrong.

I was teasing #2 son this morning while getting ready for school. He wasn't very amused and said "Dad that's NOT funny!"

"Whats not funny?" I asked...

the Kid says to me...

"Dad- YOU... TRYING to be Funny- is what is "NOT FUNNY!""

needless to say there will be NO TV for a month!!!!

hahhahahahaaa (its good to be the King!)

Today I’m gonna live like I’m 11.

A good friend of mine, reminded me of being 11. I thought, yeah that age was pretty sweet.
Being 11, I was finally able to do so much for myself. I wasn’t a “little kid” any more. At 11 we found some kind of independence, mixed with a “real” innocence. The world was wide open; I didn’t want a job to work, instead of going to school. I’d rather go to school than do my chores.
My weekly highlight was spending my allowance on a Saturday afternoon movie. The movie was under a buck at The Vogue; Popcorn (free refill!) and Redvines. All for under 5 bucks, Ha, I didn’t even know years later we would commercialize such innocence and call it “MasterCard Priceless.”
Please help me remember that I didn’t even know what a MasterCard was !!! I lived my days never knowing or caring how “priceless” my 11-year days were. Back then it really didn’t matter; at eleven, it was about the “here and now.”
It was effortless. It was all I knew, my world was good and just maybe Saturday I’d get to spend my allowance on Star Wars, Close Encounters Of the 3rd kind, LaserBlast, Smokey and the Bandit, Oh God!, and what about Saturday Night Fever !!! for more.

You know you hear it everywhere and you here it over and over again… The “good old times” “back in the day” and “times sure were different.”

The real truth for me is closer to home. Times were not that different-


And here’s a mind blower !!! Me and all the neighborhood kids, running wild, time of our lives…. The only rule …… be home when the street lights come on !!!! The freedom was a Joy we couldn’t understand at the time-
I tell you what- we didn’t NEED to understand it! At 11 years old WE LIVED IT.

Today I’m gonna live like I’m eleven !!!!

Can you?

Please- add to this, correct it, or leave it “as is” and repost it !!!